Moving into a nursing home can sometimes be scary, When entering the nursing home elderly people can be afraid of losing their independence and identity.
The personal walker cover wraps around your walker with a photograph of yourself and room number helping you to remember not only what number your room is but also what walker is yours.
Hello Nat,
The ID sleeve for Mum’s walker arrived today. The portrait or landscape design option was helpful. The Velcro is wide enough to suit thin, thick or contoured bars on the walker. I’ve included a couple of photos to show you how flexible I think this design is.
You’ve delivered a perfect solution for us. Mum resides in a nursing home. We required an ID tag or sleeve for her three wheel walker, or wheel chair should the need arise. There are many residents using 3 or 4 wheel walkers. Often you see a sea of walkers, with various labels, ribbons or charms to assist with identification. When stored side-by-side, it’s difficult to differentiate which walker belongs to whom. Your product is visually smart and ticks all the boxes. Residents, family and staff will all benefit from this information, not to mention minimising the need for unsightly adhesive labels.
Thank you. Lauretta